Although our Basic Life Saving mission shall continue, we are broadening our focus on effective transformation in villages where 60% of our public resides but amenities are negligible. This will be possible through change in digital technology whereby unemployed youth from villages will be trained by Sahayta team making them competent to become Training of Trainers (TOT) and impart sequential handling of Road Accidents and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) independently in their respective villages. They will also be attached with the adjoining Police Thana as First Responders thereby discharging dual responsibility. Despite all effort, road accidents are not declining and if we compare the road strategy in cities and highways, we find that highways in India constitutes only 6.2% of the total Indian road network, but accounts for 53.3% in total road accidents. Therefore, if we target the villages and their corresponding highways, we will be generating employment as well as reduce innocent deaths, a cause of great concern.